It depends on your circumstances and budget. Share accommodation or boarding with a family makes it easier to move away from home, as long as you find the place that is right for you. Living by yourself in a flat or apartment gives you the most freedom and flexibility but can be lonely when you are by yourself. It may also be more expensive.
No. The Australian Christian Accommodation Directory is an information service only, and while accommodation providers are asked to affirm their Christian belief when registering on the site, any lease or other housing arrangement is arranged between the accommodation seeker and the provider. It is vital that you inspect any property you are considering renting before you move in or sign any agreements.
The amount you can afford will depend on the amount of income you have. A general budgeting guideline is that you spend no more than 30-50% of your income on rent as you may find it too difficult to cover other living expenses. However, this is a guide only. Comparing listings of similar types of accommodation will also help you to get an idea of the type and quality of accommodation you will be able to rent within a specific rent-range.
To minimise the risk of things going wrong, you should try to do as much research as possible about your rights and responsibilities before you sign lease agreements and related documents. You should familiarise yourself with the Australian State or Territory tenancy laws for the particular State or Territory in which you are seeking accommodation. For links to individual Australian State and Territory tenancy websites, use the links provided on Information & Helpful Hints. These sites can also be useful for finding information about starting or ending a tenancy, and can be of assistance to tenants where there is an issue with the landlord about rents, bonds and tenants rights.
You should always be clear on whether the people in the house or flat are the owners or are renting as this can sometimes have an affect on the length of the lease or stay. You should also be aware that if you intend renting a vacant house or flat, the usual practice is to require you to sign a six or twelve month lease. A lease is a legally binding document and the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Acts will apply. As breaking a lease can be very costly, we recommend that you decide, before signing a lease, if you are confident of staying in the property for the duration of the lease.
Some residences may have internet ports for connecting to the internet, however, there are many alternatives available to both PC and laptop users for broadband connections. Examples are listed below:
* Connects to a USB port, so it’s ideal for both laptops and desktops;
* No need for a power point to use the USB
* Connects to you laptop through a card port;
* Select the card that fits your computer;
* PC Card (PCMCIA) Card or Express Card/34 formats available
* No need for a power point to use the mobile card
Wireless Card allows you to take the internet with you, but without the need for anything more than a PCMCIA slot in your laptop.
Providers sometimes forget to let us know their vacancy is gone. Or maybe the property has just been rented, and they haven’t had a chance to tell us.
If you come across one of these listings, please email us, so we can then contact the provider and remove the listing when it is no longer available. A brief email will save everyone valuable time while searching the directory.
This issue should be made clear before you move in and depends on the tenancy agreement. This is often a verbal agreement when sharing accommodation or boarding with others. It is important to remember that when your accommodation requires that you have a lease, moving out before the end of your lease requires breaking the lease, and this can be very costly. Usually if you move out before a lease is finished you will be required to continue to pay rent to the expiry date of the lease. You are always required by law to give written notice of your intention to vacate even when the lease has expired. The amount of notice you have to give after the lease has expired will depend on the tenancy act of the Australian State or Territory in which you are renting. In some circumstances, if the landlord agrees, you may be able to break your lease if a suitable replacement tenant can be found.
If boarding or sharing accommodation you should ensure that the expectations of the other parties are clear. It is also advisable to put any agreement in writing. Two weeks is often agreed upon as the length of notice to vacate when a lease is not in place.
In a vacant flat/house, student hostel, and hotels, the law prohibits people from rejecting your application on the grounds of your cultural background, gender or religion. In a share home situation the discrimination laws do not apply and the owner can specify female only, male only, international students only etc.
Before you move in, some clear guidelines should be established about visitors. For example, is it OK to have friends over regularly for social or study groups? Who is allowed to stay over and how often is fair? In boarding situations visiting may be greatly restricted. In any type of shared accommodation, you may be asked to contribute extra money for the cost of food and bills if you have friends stay over at your invitation.
You may have difficulty finding accommodation if you have pets or you are a smoker. Most landlords of vacant flats and houses prohibit keeping pets. Often the people in a household will allow smoking but only if you go outside, but other people prefer non-smokers as flat mates.
As far as food and cooking applies, every person and household will have different procedures and types of food that are prepared. Larger Ausralian cities are generally cosmopolitan and have food outlets that sell cooking ingredients originating from overseas countries. In shared accommodation situations there can be a wide range of cooking styles and this can cause conflict. Some cultures cook using lots of strong smelling herbs and spices and create a lot of steam. You should discuss any special dietary requirements and cooking arrangements with the owners or your fellow tenants before you move in.
Many people now use their own mobile telephone (prepaid or contract), so there is less need of the landline telephone arrangements at many rental properties. If you requre a landline connection, ensure that the accommodation listing that you are interested in provides this service, or, if not, that a landline connection can be arranged. You are usually required to pay for a new connection.
It is normal to pay for every telephone call you make. If you are sharing with others or boarding with a family you should make arrangements to record your telephone calls to be paid for when the bill arrives. The major telephone companies have a range of services to help manage the telephone charges in a house with independent tenants.
If you are from a country or overseas location, you should negotiate arrangements about the length of time you may spend on the telephone. Some landlords and owners prefer no interstate or international telephone calls to be made from their telephone and may have a lock or bar on long distance calls being made.
For any other questions please contact us.
Listing your accommodation costs as little as $10 per/month and takes only a few minutes. Please see our pricing page for more details.
Please use the password assistance page to reset your password. If you don’t receive the email containing reset instructions, please send us an email and we’ll reset your password manually for you.
We need to proofread the additional details you update to ensure that the information is correct and appropriate. This will make your additions temporarily invisible until the process is complete.
If you haven’t listed a property with us before, you will need to register first. You can register a vacancy by selecting ‘Add a listing’ . Listing your accommodation costs as little as $10 per/month and takes only a few minutes.
It will help your listing to include photos of the room, shared areas and the outside of the property.
An entry is for one (1) month (30 days) but can remain while ever the listing continues to be renewed. If no renewal is received, your listing will be held but not viewable. After 3 months of no renewal it will be deleted. When the room/property has been leased, please log onto the directory and close the listing.
You MUST close your listing when the property is no longer available. If you are unsure how to close the listing, please email us.
Yes, you may add as many separate properties as you like, however each separate property is a separate listing and will be charged for accordingly.
It is not necessary to have an ACN to register. However, we reserve the right to reject entries which do not meet our Terms of Use.
For any other questions please contact us.

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