Frequently asked questions (faqs)

Important legal obligations and responsibilities of accommodation seekers

There are laws that govern residential tenancy and they are different in each State. To find out more about your rights and obligations see the separate State Government links on Information & Helpful Hints

General information for accommodation seekers

The information provided to accommodation seekers on the Australian Christian Accommodation Directory is a free service. However, accommodation seekers must read and agree to the Terms of Use of the website before they are able to register to view contact details for accommodation listings, or to submit an application for accommodation. ACAD does not claim responsibility for the accuracy or currency of information so provided. All accommodation seekers must make their own enquiries and satisfy themselves as to the integrity of the accommodation provider and whether the condition of accommodation is appropriate.

We strongly advise that all accommodation should be inspected prior to the payment of any monies or the signing of any documents as the accommodation is owned and operated by private providers of accommodation.

Important legal obligations and responsibilities of accommodation seekers

It is the responsibility of the accommodation seeker
* to ensure that any residential and accommodation agreement that they may enter into as a result of a contact made through the ACAD website is in accordance with Australian Residential Tenancy Acts of each State Government and any other relevant Australian law. Any lease negotiated between an acccommodation seeker and an accommodation provider is the responsibility of the parties involved.
* make their own assessment of the suitability of the accommodation offered.
* take adequate steps to protect their personal and legal rights.
* agree to indemnify ACAD against any claim arising out of the accommodation arrangement, or legal action that may result between a provider and a seeker in the event of the breach of personal and legal rights of either party.

(See also Terms of Use)