General information for accommodation providers
This website provides a free service to accommodation seekers and for those providing accommodation. (see Getting Started)
In order to add listings to the Australian Christian Accommodation Directory (ACAD), accommodation providers must read and agree to the website’s Terms of Use.
The Australian Christian Accommodation Directory operates as an information exchange service only. ACAD does not match accommodation seekers to accommodation offered on the ACAD website, nor does it guarantee that accommodation providers will find tenants as a result of using the website. Each provider listing their property on this directory must make their own assessment of a tenant’s character, financial means and suitability as a tenant. Any lease arrangement negotiated between a tenant and landlord is the responsibility of the parties involved.
It is the responsibility of all accommodation providers to provide accurate and current information when submitting a listing on the ACAD website, and to notify the ACAD administrator when their listing has been filled.
It is expected that providers will at all times abide by the Residential Tenancies Act of each State Government and other relevant State legislation pertaining to accommodation standards, rental agreements and bond.
ACAD reserves the right at any time to:
- edit the information included in a listing if it is considered inappropriate or offensive.
- refuse to list any property considered unsuitable within ACAD guidelines
- refuse entry of a listing into the directory in the event of serious prior complaint regarding the suitability of specific accommodation and/or practices of an accommodation provider.
- take any action deemed necessary in relation to a listing which is the subject of a complaint and/or which may contravene the law or ACAD’s Terms of Use.
- information provided by accommodation providers is subject at all times to the ACAD Privacy Policy.
Some important expectations for landlords
- Ensure the property/room is in a clean and habitable state
- Provide rent receipts and keep records of rental payments
- Not attend the premises without notice
- Make good any repairs within a reasonable time
- Ensure smoke alarms are installed in the property
- Promptly return bond money if no damage has been done to the property
For more helpful information go to Information & Helpful Hints and follow links to the relevant State Government websites.
Important legal obligations of accommodation providers
ACAD acknowledges and upholds the need for all accommodation providers to ensure all residential/accommodation agreements that may be entered into as a result of a contact made through the ACAD website must be in accordance with Australian Consumer and Residential law. ACAD requires that all providers of accommodation take adequate steps to protect their own personal and legal rights and to agree to indemnify ACAD against any claim arising out of accommodation arrangements made between accommodation provider and seeker or legal action that may result in the event of the breach of personal or legal rights of either party. ACAD also requires that all accommodation providers agree to indemnify ACAD against any financial claims or legal action that may result between a provider and a seeker in the event of loss of any kind caused by either the accommodation provider or the accommodation seeker.
For further details on legal obligations and responsibilities, see Terms of Use.